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OBFCNY New Yorker
SIRE: OBFCNY SK Cut To The Chase
SS: CH LaRoys Gr8 ILG Sterling Knight
SSS: LaRoys Gr8 LCJF Ironhorse Luke
SSD: LaRoys Gr8 TW Blu Grace Of God
SD: Sinai Thunder AD Shaddai
SDS: Sinai Thunder V Agnus Dei +*B ST
SDD: Sinai Thunder A Rose Of Sharon 2*M VVEV87
DAM: Udderly TopNotch LJ Ditto 1*M
DS: GCH J-Nels L Legendary Journey +*B EEE91
DSS: Rosasharn SH Legend +*B ++V84
DSD: SGCH J-Nels LY Spatzle 3*M VEEE90
DD: CUAtLilRedBarn Annie
DDS: CUat Lil'Red Barn Fizzel
DDD: SGCH Old Mountain Farm Sultry 3*M VEEE91
Udders Behind New York
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