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Lena's Kid's B Sansa
SIRE: Zanzabeez TS 4-Stream Banjo VEE90
SS: Buttin'Heads Tastin' Sashimi *B
SSS: Buttin'Heads Martinique +B EEE90
SSD: GCH Buttin'Heads Japanese Washi 3*M ++VV85
SD: Zanzabeez EO Make It Rain
SDS: Jasper Pine An Epic Odyssey
SDD: Zanzabeez BC At The Rivers End
DAM: SG Lena's Kid's Al's Popcorn 3*M VEEV88
DS: Sinai Thunder AD Alabanzo +B ++V81
DSS: Sinai Thunder V Agnus Dei ++*B/++*S
DSD: SG Little Tots Estate Allamanda 3*M EEEE91
DD: Sinai Thunder A Rose of Sharon 2*M VVEV87
DDS: Olson Acres RC Augustine ++*B/++*S
DDD: Caprakoza SG Guns N' Roses 1*M VEEE90
Udders Behind Sansa
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