SG Lena's Kid's Al's Sky 2*M VVEE89 90EX
SIRE: Sinai Thunder AD Alabanzo +*B ++V81
S: Sinai Thunder V Agnus Dei ++*B
SS: Sycamore Springs PEG Valor *S *B
SD: SG Little Tots Estate ST Tiqvah 2*M VEEE91
D: SG Little Tots Estate Allamanda 3*M EEEE91
DS: Caesar's Villa LV Eric
DD: SGCH SM3Pines JurEn's Sugar Glider 2*M VEEE90
DAM: SGCH Lena's Kid's S Pearl 1*M VEEE90
S: AGS Ivy Creek's T Skipper
SS: God's Love Farm O Tigerboy *S
SD: All-R-Kids Daffadil
D: AGS God's Love Farm H Chloe 3*D
DS: Fairlea Hamlet VEE89
DD: God's Love Farm Nala 2*D
Barn Name: Sky
ADGA # D-1850897
DOB: 1/6/2017
Milk Records
1st Lactation: 286 DIM - 652 Lbs - 36% Butter Fat - 30% Protein
2nd Lactation: 239 DIM - 673 Lbs - 23% Butter Fat - 33% Protein
3rd Lactation: 249 DIM - 1,044 Lbs - 45% Butter Fat - 49% Protein
Retained Progeny
Udders Behind Sky
SD: SG Little Tots Estate Allamanda 3*M EEEE91
Photos property of Sinai Thunder

SDD: SGCH SM3Pines JurEn's Sugar Glider 2*M VEEE90
Photo property of Little Tots Estate

Photo property of Rollin' Hill's Farm

Photo property of Sinai Thunder

Photo property of Sinai Thunder

Photo property of Sinai Thunder

Photo property of Sinai Thunder

Photo property of Little Tots Estate

Photo property of Little Tots Estate

Photo property of Rollin' Hill's Farm